
About me

In the 7 years I've been teaching I've taught 4 different grades. This year it's a K/1 combination, which is quite the challenge, but has also proven to be very rewarding. This blog will not only be where I share some of the things I've created especially for my class, but also where I reflect on my experience this year and hopefully help someone else out as well. There is not a lot of information out there about combination classes so if you have questions, feel free to shoot me an email and I'll help if I can. Random facts about me: ~I met my hubby in college where we were neighbors in the apartment complex we lived in. ~I'm "Mom" to 4 fur babies and I double heart all animals. I could collect strays like they are going out of style. ~I'm also a part-time photographer and love it. ~Chocolate and peanut butter are my kryptonite. ~I love scary movies but I cannot watch them alone because they make me super duper paranoid. ~I had horses when I was a kid. One day when my businesses are crazy successful ;) I WILL have another horse! ~I was the total "un" teacher. As a teacher's kid I thought it would be too much work. But after finishing college with a degree in Communication I ultimately decided to go back and become a teacher. Guess it's in my blood! ~And I'm a Total country girl. I may look a little prissy because I love clothes and makeup but I'll I don't hesitate to play in the mud or build fires. Camping is absolutely one of my favorite things to do ever!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    I am a North Carolina blogger also. I will be traveling down your teaching path next year!
    Come over for a visit.
    Your newest follower!
    I Dream of First Grade
