
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What I'm working on and how I work :)

Yay for 2-hour delays!

I had some extra time to work on my unit and I got this little preview image put together.  I hope to have it finished by the weekend and posted along with a freebie!  Here's a sneak peak!

This is the very first thing I'm putting on TPT and I'm excited and nervous to share my work.  I think its amazing to have a place to share my hard work with others and possibly earn a little cash for my effort.  Lord knows I need that!

On another note...  Every time I tell anyone I have a combination class they immediately want to know how in the world that works.  I'll admit...When the year began, I wasn't sure it all it WOULD work.  But over halfway through the school year we've developed a routine and somehow, it all flows.

So I've attached a copy of my schedule.  The worst thing about having a combination was the summer before the combination. I spent hours researching how to structure a combination and was surprised at how little information there was out there.  Even worse, there was extremely limited information on how to run a K/1 combo.  In starting this blog, I hope to be able to be a resource for others.

So without further adieu, HERE copy of my schedule.  In a later post I'll elaborate a little more on exactly how this works!  :)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Crazy Cute Fonts Giveaway

Another great giveaway going on this morning!  I love fonts and have quite the collection!  I'd love to add these to my collection.  Head on over to  Curls and a Smile  to check out her fonts giveaway!

300 Followers Giveaway - That's so Second Grade

I love a good giveaway!  That's so Second Grade has partnered with tons of other great teacher blogs to give away loads of fabulous prizes!  Head on over to That's so Second Grade to check it out!  :)  

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Five for Friday

So I'm a day late and a dollar short on this but I just saw this in my feed and couldn't resist!  My first ever linky party!  I'm joining the fun at Doodle Bugs Teaching and participating in the Five for Friday.   I am still in the process of designing my blog so forgive the mess, but stay tuned to see what comes of it.  I've got a serious HTML headache right now!

#1 So random thing number 1?  I've been working on this blog alllll week.  I worked for hours designing my header and trying to come up with a "crazy" combination.  Cat, dog, mouse....get it...?  Hehe!

#2  I got to spend the weekend with family and got some adorable shots of my precious niece who loves to pose for the camera.  Here's one of the shots...lots of attitude for a 3 year old! :)

#3  We had a snow day on Friday!  Woohoo!  Here are my crazy cuties enjoying the snow while it lasted.  Lucky was clearly enjoying the mud too as you can see from her nose. 

#4 This was a Pinterest project week!  Our main project was adding tiles to our cheap, gawdy, flat edge mirrors.  This is a horrible pic, but you get the idea. 

#5  I finally set down and took some pictures of me, which is a big deal because usually I'm behind the camera.  My 2nd job as a photographer means I'm constantly snapping shots of others, and it is very rare that I get in front of the lens.  This week however, I forced myself to sit down and with the help of my wireless remote and a tripod snapped a few shots.   

That's it for this week!  Hopefully this is the first of my Five for Fridays!  I'm working hard on my first TPT product, a poetry unit, and hope to be able to share it sometime this week!  

Friday, February 22, 2013

Hello world!

Hi!  Since this is my first post, I thought I'd take a minute to introduce myself and tell you a little about me.  I have been teaching for 7 years and I've run the gammet,  teaching every grade except third and fourth.  This year I'm calling a K/1 combo home.  It's been crazy to say the least, but with the help of my fabulous assistant  I've found a way to make it work.  I've been creating my own units and activities for some time and have recently developed an addiction to Teachers Pay Teachers and teacher blogs.  I decided to jump on board and put my stuff out there and see if anyone else might be interested in it.  My store is still a work in progress and I hope to have lots of stuff uploaded by spring break!

More about me: 
   ~ I've been happily married to my best friend for almost seven years. 
   ~  I'm a mom to four adorable fur babies who I'm crazy about.  If you hear me refer to "my girls,"  I'm actually talking about my dogs...hehe. 
   ~ I'm also a part time photographer. 
   ~ I'm obsessed with Pinterest. I currently have about a hundred Pinterest projects going on at once. 
   ~ My kryptonite is chocolate and peanut butter.
   ~  I'm a country bumpkin, born and raised.  I live wayyyy out in the "sticks" and love it!
   ~ I'm pretty much a nerd.  I've got 3 degrees, still take college photography classes and read photography
      text books for fun. 
   ~ My first degree is in writing, and I aspire to one day write a book, even if it is just kiddy lit!